Downloads from My Oracle Support are facilitated through a wget shell ( script that can be used as an alternative to interactively downloading the individual files via a web browser. This feature is particularly useful for headless *nix servers or where X is not installed at all, but also for those large image downloads you would like to download outside core office hours.
However, more recent versions of wget can have issues with the generated script provided by Oracle. This post offers some .wgetrc settings to make the supplied scripts work correctly without modification (apart from adding your password).
Here is a .wgetrc that works on the Linux systems I have tried i.e. Debian/Ubuntu based ones like LinuxMint:
# # Suitable wget settings for downloads from # max-redirect=5 continue=on secure-protocol=TLSv1 progress=dot:giga |
Note: The entries continue=on and progress=dot:giga are more for useablity. I like to use resumed downloads where possible in case a script fails and I need to restart it. Oracle’s web server supports ranged downloads so this does work. The progress report changes just reduce the size of the log files by making each line represent 32M of downloaded data.